When you join the YMCA, you become part of a community. Whether you are an adult looking for a new fitness challenge and support to reach your goals, or a family looking for a great place to get active and spend quality time together, or a an active older adult who wants social interaction and improved mental and physical health, the YMCA provides a healthy environment to improve well-being.   

Your Membership Means so much more! Be part of a cause-driven organization committed to nurturing kids, supporting healthy lifestyles, and giving back. 


New Membership and Day Pass Rates effective January 1, 2023

Membership Type Description Monthly Cost
Youth Infant to High School $ 20.00
Young Adult Ages 19-27 $ 37.00
Adult Ages 28 and older $ 49.00
Family * $ 70.00
Household ** $ 70.00
Single Parent Family *** $ 60.00
65 Plus **** $ 38.00
Senior Couple Each age 65 and older $ 61.00
3 Adults & Household ***** $ 97.00

DOWN PAYMENT is prorated based on your joining date.

* Family is defined as spouses with dependent children, including full-time unmarried college students through age 22.
** Household is defined as two adults plus any children through age 18 residing in the same household and full-time unmarried college students through age 22.
*** For the single head of household with dependents only.
**** Applies to individuals 65 years of age and older; individuals who are 62 years of age and retired on Social Security benefits, pension, etc., with no outside employment; the non-working spouse of a retired individual (who may be under the age of 62).
***** This membership is for three adults or young adults and dependent children aged 22 and younger. All account members must reside in the same house.

JOINER FEE – All new memberships (except youth and young adults) are assessed a $40 joiner fee. This does not affect current Y-members unless their membership lapses for more than 60 days.

A portion of all adult memberships, tennis, and racquetball fees go to help subsidize youth memberships and programs.


Click Here to Join!

Day Pass Rates